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Political Science Scholar takes top Diversity Research award

January 28, 2020

Political Science Scholar Jasmine Jordan won first prize in the Third Annual Diversity Research Showcase, held in conjunction with the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Celebration at MSU.

Jasmine, an Honors College junior, received $500 for her oral presentation of "Alienation and Isolation of Minority Students: De Facto Housing Segregation at Michigan State University." Jasmine's faculty mentors are Terry Flennaugh and John Waller. 

Jasmine is a graduate of Renaissance High School and is from Detroit, Michigan. She is currently doing research that involves how Black and LatinX students may be isolated and alienated at Predominantly White Institutions.  She is also looking into how schools like Michigan State can make improvements in order to better include students of color. She is specifically looking at housing at Michigan State. She also has done research that analyzes whether there is a connection between number of appearances before the Supreme Court and win rates.  After graduating, she is extremely interested in civil rights law, but she also would like to continue to work in research.

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