Political Science Experts Available for Election
September 8, 2020
MSU Political Science is proud to offer a wide array of expertise on the upcoming elections.
Matt Grossmann, professor of political science, can discuss the candidates, political parties — especially Democratic/Republican differences, and the role of ideology and interest groups in each party — television advertising and candidate messages, campaign consultants, strategy and negativity. Grossmann also directs MSU's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research, is a senior fellow at the Niskanen Center and a contributor at FiveThirtyEight. Grossmann can be reached at (517) 355-7655 or matt@mattg.org.
Eric Juenke, associate professor of political science, can discuss Latinx politics, U.S. electoral institutes, state and local elections, legislative and bureaucratic minority representation, Black politics and democratic theory. He can be reached at juenke@msu.edu.
Sarah Reckhow, assistant professor of political science, can discuss education policy and the candidates’ positions on education. Reckhow can be reached at (517) 488-2488 or reckhow@msu.edu.
Corwin Smidt, associate professor of political science, studies American electoral politics, presidential primaries, Michigan politics, campaign politics and dynamics in American political behavior. A seminal study by Smidt suggested the American swing voter has largely become a thing of the past. He can be reached at (517) 353-3292 or smidt@msu.edu.
A full list of MSU experts is available at https://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2020/Need-an-expert-on-a-2020-election-issue