PLS Undergraduate Assistance Award goes to Paige Strawska

April 15, 2024 - Karessa Weir

Political Science Pre-law senior Paige Strawska has been awarded the 2024 Political Science Undergraduate Assistance Award for her research into Chinese politics. 


Paige StrawskaStrawska worked with Political Science Professor Eric C.C. Chang on material for an Asia: Social Science Perspectives course which included an analysis of China’s and Xinjiang’s repression of Uighur people and its impact on US-China relations. 


“We then looked at the potential TikTok ban with perspectives from both US and Chinese officials and the potential implications of the ban. Then returned to China's and Xinjiang's repression of the Uighur people and focused on historical and continuing human rights issues in the area. Next, we explored the current political and military climate surrounding the South China Sea and how rising tensions have impacted surrounding countries, as well as China and the US. And finally, we explored China's Wolf Warrior Diplomacy, its origins, and how it is implemented today,” Strawska said.  


Paige’s commitment to academic excellence was immediately apparent. She consistently sought out my guidance during office hours to know deeper about course topics but also to explore her future in law. Her class performance was unmatched in her cohort, leading me to hire her as an Undergraduate Learning Assistant for this semester,” Chang wrote.  


“These interactions have given me a deeper insight into her intellectual potential. In a nutshell, Paige is a standout for her intelligence, dedication, and an unwavering pursuit of excellence. In my over twenty years of teaching, I rank Paige in the top one percent of students I have had the privilege to instruct. She has clearly surpassed many who have gone on to study top-tier law schools.” 


Strawska was in the Marine Corps for four years where she was a legal services specialist and court reporter. After attending Lansing Community College, Strawska transferred to MSU where she majored in Political Science – Prelaw and minored in Law, Justice and Public Policy. 


In addition to the Undergraduate Assistance Award, Strawska was vice president of the MSU Horseman’s Association and recipient of the MSU Board of Trustees Scholarship Award. Following graduation, she plans to attend law school.