Israel's Democracy in Crisis: Domestic and Foreign Policy Implications
Thu, September 14, 2023 4:00 PM at RCAH Theater, C20 Snyer-Phillips
Following the screening of the movie "The Judge," four experts will discuss Israel's Democracy in Crisis: Domestic and Foreign Policy Implications with Dr. Yael Aronoff, Dr. Noga Morag-Levine, Dr. Alon Tal and Dr. Rami Zeedan.
5:00pm Welcome and Intro to The Judge
5:15pm Screening of The Judge (54m)
6:10 Complimentary Pizza outside the Theater
6:20-8:00pm a Symposium with Dr. Yael
Aronoff, Dr. Noga Morag-Levine,
Dr. Alon Tal and Dr. Rami Zeedan