Israel's "Post-Covid" 2021 Elections: Continuity and Change
Sun, April 4, 2021 10:00 AM at
MSU PLS is pleased to co-sponsor this discussion of the 4th Israeli election in two years, featuring Dr. Yael Aronoff, director of the Michael and Elaine Serling Institute and Associate Professor of Political Science/International Relations at James Madison College.
The speakers will analyze the 4th Israeli election in 2 years. They will analyze the latest results, compare them to the last 3 elections, and discuss coalition possibilities and their implications. As Israel muddles forward
in an attempt to establish a new government – notwithstanding the continued division over the legitimacy of Benyamin Netanyahu’s candidacy for Prime Minister - “round four” was in fact surprisingly different than the
earlier three elections rounds. How will varied possible coalitions shape Israeli domestic and foreign policies? What are the prospects of a fifth election in the coming year? Among the topics to be explored: the evolving
influence of Israel’s Arab citizens; a crack in ultra-Orthodox allegiances; and Israeli society’s growing complacency towards racist political parties. Come join the analysis followed by discussion.
Along with Dr. Aronoff, speakers include:
- Dr. Alon Tal, professor of public policy at Tel Aviv University and has been a Serling Visiting Israeli scholar at James Madison since 2015.
- Dr. Elie Rekhess, Director of the Israel Innovation Project at Northwestern University.
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