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Welcoming the Stranger? An Analysis of Sanctuary Churches and Sanctuary Attitudes Among Christian Church-goers in the United States

Tue, February 11, 2020 12:00 PM at 104 S. Kedzie Hall

The American Politics Workshop discussion for Feb. 11 will feature a discussion of Political Science PhD Student Shayla Olson's recent paper

"Welcoming the Stranger? An Analysis of Sanctuary Churches and Sanctuary Attitudes Among Christian Church-goers in the United States"

Shayla Olson joined the Department of Political Science at Michigan State University in the fall of 2018. Shayla comes to MSU after graduating with honors from Indiana State University with a B.A. in Political Science.

Shayla’s fields of study are American political behavior and public opinion and quantitative methods. She has research interests in religion and politics and race and ethnicity politics, and focuses broadly on social identities and rhetoric.