Harnoor Kaur presents International Student Engagement in Social Science
Fri, March 22, 2024 2:00 PM at 255 Old Horticulture
Harnoor is a 2023 graduate from the College of Social Science with a double major in Criminal Justice and Political Science. During her time at MSU, Harnoor was an Undergraduate Learning Assistant, Research Assistant, and member of the International Scholars Advisory Board. Harnoor is currently pursuing a Juris Doctor at the University of Melbourne. Harnoor will provide valuable insight from her experience as an undergraduate international student, explore what it is like to navigate higher education (La w School/Graduate School), and share insightson what to expect post-graduation.
Questions? Contact Dr. Brian Egan, Assistant Director of Student Affairs and International Engagement Coordinator, College of Social Science at eganbria@msu.edu