Dr. Boniface Dulani heading anti-corruption efforts in Malawi
October 2, 2019
IPOR’s research director, Dr. Boniface Dulani, was hired to lead a team of researchers in the drafting of a new National Anti-corruption Strategy (NACS) to guide the anti-corruption efforts in Malawi over the period 2020-2025. Working alongside anti-corruption experts from the Basel Institute on Governance and the Malawi Anti-corruption Bureau (ACB), IPOR was tasked to generate research insights to inform the new strategy. This included soliciting national input from various stakeholders through a series of stakeholder consultation workshops that were organized in the country’s major cities, focus group discussions with ACB staff and key informant interviews.
As part of the research efforts, IPOR received funding from the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) to conduct a nationwide survey to generate public perceptions on the State of Corruption in 2019. The survey had a sample size of 1352 and covered 150 enumeration areas across Malawi. Conducted in Chichewa, Chitumbuka and English, the survey sought the views of adult Malawians on the state of corruption in the country, knowledge of the NACS and ACB, and effective ways to combat corruption in the country.
The findings of the survey have informed the drafting of the NACS II especially in identifying areas of focus in the anti-corruption drive in the country. The findings will be shared to the public through dissemination meetings.