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InnovateGov Deadline Extended until March 1

February 13, 2023

InnovateGov Summer 2023 has extended its application deadline until March 1. InnovateGov prepares and delivers MSU’s most vital resource – talented and motivated students – to Detroit’s civic institutions while providing our students with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to do real, impactful, and equitable work on the city’s most critical social problems.

Program Nuts and Bolts
The program runs for 10 weeks during the summer.
Faculty and staff work with civic partners to place students. Our civic partners spanned more than a dozen local government departments (e.g., Detroit Public School Community District, Mayor’s Office, Department of Neighborhoods, Office of Immigrant Affairs, Department of Health) and numerous non-profit and L3C organizations (e.g., Data Driven Detroit, Detroit Future City, Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, and Community Development Advocates of Detroit).
The program also provides students a bus or QLine pass (if not provided by the internship placement), and covers the cost of professionalization/cultural activities. In addition, the program offers several need-based scholarships to help defray living, work, and transportation expenses.
Students take a 4 credit project-based research/writing course (PLS 422), plus 3-6 internship credits. This is commensurate with a 30-35 hour workweek.
Faculty leaders work with students and their supervisors to achieve a common goal: the development and production of a deliverable – a high-impact project that improves upon the way our civic partners work on a difficult social, political, economic, or institutional challenge.
Each Friday, students attend an exciting cultural, professional, recreational, or social event around the city.
Application and Contact Info
Complete the application on the College of Social Science Study Away website.  InnovateGov has no application fee but does charge a program fee (around $350) if you accepted into the program.   To learn more about the program, contact Chayse Hurley at

The program runs from June 4 to August 11.