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MSU PLS senior learning the ropes at Genesee County Clerk's Office

July 29, 2024 - Karessa Weir

Daniel Baker’s great-grandmother was from Flint so the Political Science Pre-Law senior’s attention was caught when he saw the opportunity to fulfill his experiential learning requirement in a place close to his home and his heart.  

MSU PLS senior Daniel Baker
“It seemed like a great opportunity,” Baker said. 
Baker has been working in the Genessee County Clerk’s Office since June. He works directly with an MSU PLS alumni, County Clerk Dominque Clemons. 

In addition, he is working on Clemons’s reelection campaign. 

With the upcoming presidential election, a big focus of his work this summer has been on voter registration.  
“We have huge piles of voter registrations and we need to figure out whose office it goes to,” Baker said. “We track people down, figure out where they are from, who the proper authority is and send it along to ensure they can vote.” 
On the campaign trail, Baker has been knocking on doors but is very interested in learning more about campaign finance. He’s been at campaign events with Clemons including parades, which have been his favorite park. 
“Honestly those parades are pretty fun. I’m not gonna lie,” he said. “I’ve been the one driving the car so I get the music blasting and it’s awesome just driving through town, rocking out and waving to everybody.” 
Baker hopes to use this experience in his future, possibly in his own run for office. He plans to either do that or go to law school.  

“I’m like 50-50 right now on either,” he said. 

But either way, he is passionate about voter rights protections and lowering the country’s debt problem.  

“This has been great because all the people I met and all the opportunities to network. I’ve met the sheriff, undersheriff and the board of commissioners,” said. “I would highly recommend this program for anyone wanting to run for office.” 
The College of Social Science Flint Study Away Internship Program offers students first-hand learning in their fields of interest while contributing to the mission of a community organization and revitalization of the Flint area. For more information, contact Cathy White at the Office of Experiential Learning