MSU PLS scholar nominated for the Udall Undergraduate Scholarship
March 12, 2024
Jerome Hamilton Jr., a third year Political Science Pre-Law student, is one of three Michigan State University students nominated for the prestigious Udall Undergraduate Scholarship.
Sponsored by the Udall Foundation, the scholarship is designed to financially support students interested in Tribal policy, Native American health care, and environmental issues. The foundation anticipates nationally distributing around 55 scholarships in 2024.
Jerome, from Baltimore, Maryland, is also a finalist for the Harry S Truman Scholarship.
In addition to Jerome, MSU has nominated the following students for this award, all of whom are enrolled in the Honors College:
Kaylin Casper, from Burbank, California, who is a second-year student double majoring in Sociology in the College of Social Science and English in the College of Arts and Letters.
Meghana Karumuri, from Farmington Hills, Michigan, who is a third-year Microbiology major in Lyman Briggs College.
The Distinguished Student Awards Office (formerly National/International Fellowships and Scholarships Office), administered by the Honors College, helps undergraduate and graduate students pursue major national and international opportunities by providing information and direct support throughout the competitive application processes.