Cristina Bodea

- Professor
- International Relations, Comparative Politics
- Department of Political Science
- 342 S. Kedzie Hall
- 368 Farm Lane
- East Lansing MI 49923
- 517-353-7230
Bodea is a Professor in the Department of Political Science at Michigan State University. Bodea joined the MSU faculty in 2006, after earning a PhD degree from the University of Rochester (2006) and following a post-doctoral research fellowship at Princeton University. From 2007 to 2009 she has been on leave from Michigan State, working as an Economist at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, Germany. Bodea’s research interests are in International and Comparative political economy; Gender and political economy; and Political conflict. Her work has been published or is forthcoming at the Journal of Politics, British Journal of Political Science, International Organization, European Journal of Political Economy, Governance, Public Choice and Economic and Politics. She also has working papers published by the World Bank and the European Central Bank.
- Women’s Leadership Institute, College of Social Science, Michigan State University
- Mason Soneral Faculty Fellow 2022-25
- Editor, British Journal of Political Science - Editor, Political Economist - Updated Central Bank Independence data (144 countries covering the years 1972 to 2020). The data and documentation can be found at:
Men don't trust female central bankers on inflation or the economy, survey data show.
Gender Bias and Central Bank Communication
Global Treaties and Domestic Politics: Do BITs Constrain Fiscal Policy in Developing Countries?
Bodea, Cristina & Carolina Garriga. Central Bank Independence in Latin America: Politicization and De-delegation With Carolina Garriga. Accepted 2022. Governance.
Bodea, Cristina & Andrew Kerner. Fear of Inflation and Gender Representation in Central Banking. Accepted 2022. The European Journal of Political Economy.
Bodea, Cristina, Christian Houle & Hyunwoo Kim. Do Economic Crises Fuel Income Inequality? Accepted 2021. World Development.
Bodea, Cristina, Tayla Bagashka & Sung Min Han. (Accepted 2021). Populism's Rise in Post-Communist Countries: Breaking Electoral Promises and Incumbent Left Parties' Vote Losses. European Journal of Political Research.
Bodea, Cristina and Christian Houle. (Accepted 2020). Ethnic Inequality and Coup d'etat. Chapter in the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Military in Politics.
Bodea, Cristina, Jakob de Haan, Raymond Hicks, and Sylvester C.W. Eijffinger. (Accepted 2017). Central Bank Independence Before and After the Crisis. Accepted at Comparative Economic Studies.
Bodea, Cristina & Raymond Hicks. (Accepted 2017). Sovereign Credit Ratings and Central Banks: Do Analysts Pay Attention to Institutions? Accepted atEconomics and Politics
Bodea, Cristina, Ana Carolina Garriga & Masaaki Higashijima. (Accepted 2017). Monetary Constraints, Spending, and the Autocratic Survival in Party-Based Regimes. Accepted at the Journal of Politics
Bodea, Cristina & Fangjin Ye. (Accepted 2017). Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs): The Global Investment Regime and Human Rights. Accepted at the British Journal of Political Science
Bodea, Cristina & Tara Iseneker. Exactly how male-dominated are central banks? Here are the numbers. The Washington Post.
Bodea, Cristina. The Political Economy of Monetary Policy, in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics The ORE of Politics.
Bodea, Cristina & Christian Houle. Ethnic Inequality and Coups in Sub-Saharan Africa.
“Priests of Prosperity. How Central Bankers Transformed the Post Communist World” By Juliet Johnson. Ithaca: Cornell University Press
“Do Civil Wars, Coups and Riots Have the Same Structural Determinants? (Accepted 2016 at International Interactions)
Bodea, Cristina. (Accepted 2015). Fixed Exchange Rates with Escape Clauses: The Political Determinants of the European Monetary System Realignments.
Bodea, Cristina. (Accepted 2014). Central Bank Independence and Fiscal Policy: Incentives to Spend and Constraints on the Executive.
Bodea, Cristina & Raymond, Hicks. (Accepted 2014). International finance and central bank independence: Institutional diffusion and the flow and cost of capital. Forthcoming at the Journal of Politics.
Bodea, Cristina & Adrienne Lebas. (2014). The Origins of Voluntary Compliance: Attitudes toward Taxation in Urban Nigeria. (September 2014) British Journal of Political Science.
Bodea, Cristina. (Accepted 2013). Fixed Exchange Rates, Independent Central Banks and Price Stability in Post-Communist Countries: Conservatism and Credibility. Forthcoming at Economics and Politics.
Bodea, Cristina & Hicks, Raymond. (Accepted 2013). Price Stability and Central Bank Independence: Discipline, Credibility and Democratic Institutions. Forthcoming at International Organization.
Bodea, Cristina (2013). Independent Central Banks, Regime Type and Fiscal Performance: The Case of Post-Communist Countries. Public Choice; 155(1-2): 81-107. DOI: 10.1007/s11127-011-9843-6
Bodea, Cristina. (2010). Exchange Rate Regimes and Independent Central Banks: A Correlated Choice of Imperfectly Credible Institution. International Organization, 64: 411-442. DOI:10.1017/S0020818310000111.
Bodea, Cristina & Elbadawi, Ibrahim A. (2008). Political Violence and Underdevelopment.? Journal of African Economies; 17 (Supplement 2): 50-96. DOI: 10.1093/jae/ejn018