Eric C.C. Chang

- Professor
- Comparative Politics, Research Methods
- Department of Political Science
- 313 S. Kedzie Hall
- 368 Farm Lane
- East Lansing MI 48824
- 517-432-2047
Eric C.C. Chang is Professor in the Department of Political Science at Michigan State University. He came to MSU in the year of 2003 after receiving his Ph.D. from UCLA. He studies comparative political economy, political institutions, political corruption, and democratization in both developed and developing democracies. His research makes use of formal theory and quantitative methodology to analyze substantive political and economic phenomena. His article, “Electoral Systems, District Magnitude and Corruption,” (co-authored with Miriam Golden) won the 2008 Lawrence Longley Award given by the American Political Science Association’s Organized Section in Representation and Electoral Systems, and his other publications have appeared in The Journal of Politics, The British Journal of Political Science, World Politics, Comparative Political Studies, and The European Journal of Political Research. He teaches graduate courses on political methodology, political economy of parties and elections, comparative political institutions, and undergraduate courses on Asian politics.
- Chang, Eric, and Wenchin Wu. Forthcoming. Autocracy and Human Capital. World Development.
- Chang, Eric, and Masaaki Higashijima. Forthcoming. The Choice of Electoral Systems in Electoral Autocracies. Government and Opposition.
- Chang, Eric. 2020. Corruption Predictability and Corruption Voting in Asian Democracies. Public Choice 184: 307 - 326.
- Chang, Eric, and Nickolas Kerr. 2017. An Insider-Outsider Theory of Popular Tolerance for Corrupt Politicians. Governance 30 (1): 67 - 84
- Han, Sung Min, and Eric Chang. 2016. Economic Inequality, Winner-loser Gap, and Satisfaction with Democracy. Electoral Studies 44: 85 - 97.
- Profiled in Comparative Study of Electoral Systems
- News coverage: The Washington Post
- Chang, Eric, and Shih-hao Huang. 2016. Corruption Perception, Corruption Tolerance, and Institutional Trust in East Asian Democracies. Taiwan Journal of Democracy 12 (1): 27-44.
- Reprinted in Cheng, Tun-jen, and Yun-han Chu, eds. 2017. Routledge Handbook on East Asian Democratization.
- Chang, Eric, and Wenchin Wu. 2016. Preferential Trade Agreements, Income Inequality, and Authoritarian Survival. Political Research Quarterly 69 (2): 281-94.
- Chang, Eric. 2013. A Comparative Analysis of How Corruption Erodes Institutional Trust. Taiwan Journal of Democracy 9 (1): 73-92.