Andrew Kerner earned his Phd in Political Science from Emory University, where he focused on the politics of corporate governance and securities law reform. His current research considers the politics of finance broadly, with particular foci on foreign investment, multinational production, investor-state dispute settlement, financialization, and the political consequences of pension reform. His articles appear in International Organization, British Journal of Political Science, International Studies Quarterly, Economic and Politics, Comparative Political Studies, ICSID Review-Foreign Investment Law Journal and the Review of International Organizations. He teaches a variety of courses in international relations and comparative politics. Prior to MSU, Andrew was an assistant professor in the political science department of the University of Michigan.
Andrew Kerner

- Associate Professor
- International Relations
- Department of Political Science
- 332 S. Kedzie Hall
- 368 Farm Lane
- East Lansing MI 48823
- 517-353-7886