Michael Wahman

- Associate Professor
- Comparative Politics
- Department of Political Science
- 342 S. Kedzie Hall
- 368 Farm Lane
- East Lansing MI 48823
- 517-353-7230
- wahmanmi@msu.edu
Michael WahmanBIOGRAPHY
Michael Wahman is an Associate Professor at Michigan State University’s (MSU) Department of Political Science. He has previously held teaching and research positions at University of Missouri, London School of Economics, University of Texas- Austin, and the German Institute for Global and Area Studies. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Lund University, Sweden.
Professor Wahman is a scholar of elections, democracy, and representation. His primary empirical focus is Africa. His research focuses on the challenges facing newly democratized countries in arranging free, fair, and credible elections. He is also interested in how electoral democracy translates into equitable and meaningful representation of citizens. Much of his work has focused on subnational variations in African democracy, trying to understand the roots and consequences of political regionalism on elections and representation.
He is the author of Controlling Territory, Controlling Voters: The Electoral Geography of African Campaign Violence (Oxford University Press, 2023) as well as numerous articles in journals such as American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Politics, Journal of Peace Research, and Political Geography.
Professor Wahman has significant experience working with international development partners, such as the National Democratic Institute (NDI), the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), and the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA), on various projects designed to strengthen African democracies. He brings practical and theoretical experience to his role as a teacher and mentor at the undergraduate and graduate levels.