Legal Internship Program
The Legal Internship Program is offered during the Summer semester. This program focuses on providing students thinking about a career in law with an opportunity to work in the legal environment, under the supervision of licensed lawyers, on actual cases before applying for law school.
Program Prerequisites
Students must submit an application for PLS 494. In order to be considered for the program, two (2) academic criteria must be met:
(1) Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 at the time of the application:
(2) Must be enrolled in, or have taken, PLS 392 Preparation for Legal Field Placement taught by Professor Melissa O’shea. Students may apply for PLS 494 while enrolled in PLS 392, but must complete PLS 392 with a 3.0 or higher to continue into PLS 494
Application Process
- Download and Complete the Legal Internship Program Application Form
- Submit application along with current resume and one (1) page statement of interest to Professor O’Shea,
- Once the application is accepted by Professor O’Shea, meet with her to talk about possible internship placements
- Interview with placement sites as needed. Once an offer is received, the student will be enrolled in PLS 494 (please note that a placement is not guaranteed for any student. Students will have to interview with potential placement sites and receive an offer before enrollment in PLS 494 is permitted)