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Political Science Scholars

The Department of Political Science has established the Political Science Scholar Program to recognize the achievements and potential of a small number of our best students (approximately 20 per year).

  • About the program

    The program provides each scholar with opportunities to enhance their undergraduate education including:

    • Assignment to a faculty mentor who can provide expert advice on courses and the discipline of political science. Faculty mentors can help students match coursework with long-term goals, discuss opportunities for post-graduate studies in political science and law, and flag possible job opportunities available to talented undergraduate students.
    • Access by competitive application to funding support for enhancement activities, including research support, travel to professional conferences, and other research-related activities.
    • Opportunities to serve as an Undergraduate Learning Assistant (ULA) in political science classes.
    • Opportunities to meet in small group settings with distinguished alums of the department and university and participate in activities sponsored by the Governor Jim Blanchard Public Service Forum.
    • Opportunities to meet legislators, lobbyists, and policy professionals in the State Capital for career and professional advice.
    • Eligibility to compete for attractive internships, in Lansing, Detroit, and Washington, D.C., identified by internship coordinators and alumni supporters.
    • Access in informal settings to visiting scholars who come to MSU by invitation of the Department and other institutions related to the Department.
    • Guaranteed admission to study abroad programs offered by the Department.
  • Undergraduate Learning Assistantships
    PLS Scholars have priority in serving as Undergraduate Learning Assistants (ULAs) in our department course offerings. Students accepted to serve as ULAs can either receive payment (roughly $1500 per semester) or enroll in 3 credits of PLS 490, a course that meets the experiential learning requirement. To apply, students should complete an application form and statement and ask a PLS faculty member to submit a nomination form on their behalf. Applications are typically due mid-May for fall semester and late October for spring semester.

  • How to apply

    We encourage students currently in their sophomore year to apply, although students at other stages will also be considered.  Students who are interested in becoming a Political Science Scholar should submit a PLS Scholars Application by the deadline of March 14. Students must also have a PLS faculty member submit a PLS Scholars Faculty Nomination form on their behalf.

    If you have questions about the PLS Scholars program or the application process, please contact Krista Zeig.

  • Meet the current scholars!





Political Science Scholars enjoy a brunch before graduation with their parents and faculty. Photography by Jackie Belden Hawthorne, College of Social Science.